The Wild, Wacky, and Weird: Crazy State Laws You Won`t Believe Exist

Who love a laugh or head disbelief at some crazy laws still in various states? Outdated downright to plain silly, laws sure leave scratching head. Let`s take a look at some of the most outrageous state laws that are still on the books today.

Table Contents


Law Description
It is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church. Yes, read correctly. You`re about church Alabama considering fake mustache, again. In church apparently big no-no.
Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death. This law seems bit outdated, still on books Alabama. Probably best leave salt home.


Law Description
It illegal whistle lost canary 7:00 AM. If happen lose canary California, have wait after 7:00 AM start whistling it. I guess bird always get worm this case.
Women may not drive in a housecoat. Sorry, ladies. You were on around town housecoat, again. California has deemed this a no-no.


Law Description
Unmarried women parachuting on a Sunday may be jailed. Apparently, Florida frowns upon unmarried women parachuting on a Sunday, to the point where they could end up in jail. Probably best keep parachute closet Sundays Florida.
It is illegal to sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit. Sorry, beach bums. Feel like into song wearing swimsuit Florida, might want think again. Against law.

So there have folks. Wild, wacky, weird world crazy state laws. These laws seem ridiculous, serve reminder uniqueness quirkiness state`s legal system. It`s always entertaining to see what odd laws are still floating around out there, and who knows, you might just find yourself inadvertently breaking one of them someday.

10 Popular Legal Questions About “Crazy State Laws”

Question Answer
1. Can I really get arrested for singing off-key in North Carolina? Oh, you betcha! The Tar Heel State takes their music seriously, so make sure to hit the right notes if you`re belting out a tune in North Carolina!
2. Is it true that it`s illegal to walk a dog without a diaper in Ohio? Believe it or not, in the Buckeye State, it`s against the law to let your dog walk around without a diaper on. Who knows what inspired this crazy rule, but it`s definitely a head-scratcher!
3. Can I really be fined for feeding the pigeons in San Francisco? Yes, indeed! The City by the Bay has a ban on feeding pigeons, so if you`re feeling generous towards our feathered friends, be prepared to fork over some cash!
4. Is it illegal to ride a horse while under the influence in Colorado? Yeehaw! Colorado has a law specifically prohibiting horseback riding while intoxicated. So, if you`re planning on hitting the trails, make sure to leave the booze behind!
5. Can I really be arrested for wearing a hat in a movie theater in Texas? It may sound ludicrous, but in the Lone Star State, it`s actually illegal to wear a hat inside a movie theater. Keep your head bare if you`re catching a flick in Texas!
6. Is it true that it`s illegal to hunt whales in Oklahoma? Despite being a landlocked state, Oklahoma has a law on the books prohibiting the hunting of whales. Perhaps they`re just being extra cautious!
7. Can I really be fined for frowning at a police officer in New Jersey? Yep, in the Garden State, it`s considered disorderly conduct to frown at a police officer. So, if you`re feeling grumpy, try to keep a smile on your face!
8. Is it illegal to carry an ice cream cone in my back pocket in Alabama? Believe it or not, Alabama has a law against carrying an ice cream cone in your back pocket. May sound silly, best keep dessert hand!
9. Can I really be fined for singing in the shower after midnight in Kentucky? In the Bluegrass State, it`s considered a violation to sing in the shower after midnight. Keep those vocal cords quiet once the clock strikes twelve!
10. Is it true that it`s illegal to wear a bulletproof vest while committing a crime in Connecticut? Surprisingly, Connecticut has a law prohibiting the wearing of a bulletproof vest while committing a crime. A strange but sensible rule in the Constitution State!

Contract for Crazy State Laws

This contract is entered into on this [Date], by and between the State of [State Name] (hereinafter referred to as “the State”) and [Party Name] (hereinafter referred to as “the Party”).

Article 1: Scope of Crazy State Laws

The Party hereby acknowledges and agrees to abide by the state laws that may be deemed crazy, absurd, or unusual by common standards. The State reserves the right to enforce such laws as part of its legal framework.

Article 2: Compliance with Legal Standards

The Party shall comply with all regulations and statutes pertaining to crazy state laws, as outlined by the State`s legal authorities. Failure to adhere to such laws may result in legal action and penalties as deemed appropriate by the State.

Article 3: Legal Recourse

In the event of any disputes or legal issues arising from crazy state laws, the Party agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the State`s legal system and abide by its decisions. State shall authority interpret enforce laws sees fit.

Article 4: Termination of Contract

This contract shall remain in effect until terminated by mutual agreement of both parties or by the State`s legal authorities. Termination of this contract does not absolve the Party from any legal obligations or liabilities arising from crazy state laws.

Article 5: Governing Law

This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of [State Name], including any crazy state laws that may be applicable to the subject matter herein.

State Party Name
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